Before you start gawking, I'll tell you that the very first paved roads in this area were constructed in 1961. At that time, the city consisted of a few low rise concrete buildings and mostly mud huts. The main business in 1960 was camel trading, date farming, and pearl diving. Click Here for the Wiki article. Then a funny thing happened...
Money for oil began POURING into Abu Dhabi. Your money.
Today, Abu Dhabi is the wealthiest emirate of the UAE. The average net worth for EACH of Abu Dhabi's 420,000 citizens is US$ 17 million.
Yes... That bears repeating. Almost half a million people, each with a net worth of $17 million dollars (US).
Thanks to you. You built this city with American dollars. From mud huts to this...

How did this happen? Why isn't this a brand new modern American city built with American dollars? Because Congress forced you to do this... they forced you to buy most of your gas and oil from Saudi Arabia and the UAE (Abu Dhabi and Dubai).
So, instead of your American money going to American workers and American products and new American cities, Congress made it a law that we could not drill for our own gas and oil and they literally forced you to send your money "over there". Look what it has built. It could have been here.
Who were the brilliant idiots that made that happen? You need to thank Diane Feinstein, Barney Frank, Obama, Dodd, Kennedy, Boxer, Al Gore, and both Clintons for that.