Pictures Of Your Money And What It Has Built

Presented here is a short picturesque explanation of what your hard earned money has purchased. It is expected that you will look at these skyline pictures (they are very real) and wonder where this city is? Could this be Houston, Detroit, New York? Could this be Baltimore, Miami, San Francisco? After all, you would expect that this sort of incredibly modern and wealthy skyline should be somewhere in the United States? Right?

Well... you'd be wrong.

These are pictures of a city named Dubai. It is not in the United States. Yet, incredibly, you paid for it. This whole city has been built from your money... right from your wallet and purse.

Wow... wouldn't it be great if this city were being built in the United States? Think of the jobs... think of the opportunities... think of the investment.

Especially since... you paid for it.

Well, this is what happens when we are FORCED by our government to buy our gas and oil from middle-eastern countries. This is what happens when our government refuses to allow us to drill for our own oil and gas...

No matter what, we will continue to use oil and gasoline for just about everything we do. And just about every bit of that comes from offshore. And that is mandated by our Congress.

See this city? This city is being built with your money that you've been forced to send to offshore oil suppliers; places like Dubai. And guess what? They're going to continue drilling for oil and they'll continue selling it to us... and we'll continue to send our money to them for the gas and oil.

What a shame. We could be building that city right here in the United States if we were allowed to drill for our own gas and oil (and we have PLENTY of both).

Take one last look at these pictures...

Then thank Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, and Diane Feinstein for forcing us to build these fantastic cities for those people that don't like us. But they'll sure take our money...